Mosy | MRG75 - Virtual Racer Profil

Gaming Moto: Always relax and have fun with playing and racing!

Discord ID: Mose2011
(aka Mosy|MRG75)
Gamer ID: 
Gamer Type:
Hoppy & Casual Gamer

Gaming Nicknames

Steam: MRG75
EA App: Mosy_MRG75
UPlay: Mosy_MRG75

Gaming Client ID's
Uplay ID:

EA/Origin ID: Mosy2018
Steam: Mose2011

Meine Racer InGame Profiele

Gaming Setitngs

Game Racing Setups:

Steering Contorl:
🎮 MS XBox Controller
TDUSC: Semi-Automatik
TCM: "Automatik"
Need for Speed: 

Basis Autolakierungsfarben:

Aktive Games: